THUG: The book of the century, that everyone is talking about since it was released last year, it’s the first novel of Angie THOMAS and man, SHE MASTERED THEM WORDS XD.

Starr, a sixteen Years old girl, is the only witness of the shooting of her childhood best Friend: KHALIL By a police officer, and it wasn’t her first either, she lived the same drama back then at the age of six years old, when NATASHA-dear friend of her again- got shot in a drive-by in the middle of their neighborhood.

Those are the prices you may pay because of being BLACK, and living in a black neighborhood as Garden Heights. This is why Starr’s parents took her and her 2 other brothers to a faraway school, filed with white peoples, which create an IDENITY crisis for our Heroine,  She was too afraid of showing her bold side , she knew what to say and when , she worked her best to not be referred to as the mad black girl or the girl from the drug dealings neighborhood, she didn’t even talk about her killed Friends to avoid any petty eye, yet she was suffocating.

She felt like Betraying them, and letting them down, especially Khalil, when people Started referring to him as a drug dealer or that he disobeyed the officer orders, or that he had a gun by him that he had the intention to use. Neither of those assumptions were Right, so she decided to talk!

This Book folded me with a lot of feelings, and what I enjoyed the most was the comic Side, I found myself bursting out laughing at some pages. MAN, those black peoples HAVE SOME GAME ON THEM XD. I loved Starr’s family and friends, either one of them have a special hint.

And what’s the point of having a voice if you’re gonna be silent?



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