I wont find better than this Outstanding , and Morocan Author Book  to start a list of the dearest Things in my life : BOOKS -That is for sure-

Title : Horses of God .
Writer : Mahi Binebine
awards : Winner of the 2010 Prix du Roman Arabe and Prix Littéraire Mamounia
Movie:Les chevaux de Dieu , يا خيل الله

On May 16, 2003, disastrously in the blink of an eye everything changed economically , politically and historically ,lives were lost , women become widows , children become orphans , many dreams were shattered and fear rose inside of every moroccan citizen .
we as human remember the horror , sorrow , sadness and grieve .in that moment we were all thinking how could they be fearless and cruel to kill fragile creatures so easily ? How would they want to die in the middle of their life ? did they not fear death ? why would they choose a dark lonely hole in the dirt over life ? but the only right simple question we should have asked was “ why did they do it ?”
I can say today with a deep certainty that those 182 pages has touched me more, I still recall the sensations I felt while reading it, it was a mixture of grief , gloominess and betrayal
To answer the question “why did they become suicide bombers” Mahi Binebine imagines the lives of the main character Yachine and his friends.

The more we read this book the more we will understand the misery, the poverty, the suffering and the absolute despair that they were living. They were growing up under social injustice and suicide was their only way out!
Samuel Beckett said once “The only sin is the sin of being born” and for Yachine and his friends , their first sin was being born in Sidi Moumen .

ironically this sad book made me Appreciate all the blessings I have in my life ,it was difficult to read,but certainly a very good book .

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